Solutions Manual for Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB  Second Edition PDF Book Detail

Author: Dean G. Duffy
Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781584884279
Size: 71.59 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 431
View: 6619

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Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB  Second Edition PDF Book Detail

Author: Dean G. Duffy
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1584883499
Size: 23.42 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 840
View: 5488

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Book Description Resoundingly popular in its first edition, Dean Duffy's Advanced Engineering Mathematics has been updated, expanded, and now more than ever provides the solid mathematics background required throughout the engineering disciplines. Melding the author's expertise as a practitioner and his years of teaching engineering mathematics, this text stands clearly apart from the many others available. Relevant, insightful examples follow nearly every concept introduced and demonstrate its practical application. This edition includes two new chapters on differential equations, another on Hilbert transforms, and many new examples, problems, and projects that help build problem-solving skills. Most importantly, the book now incorporates the use of MATLAB throughout the presentation to reinforce the concepts presented. MATLAB code is included so readers can take an analytic result, fully explore it graphically, and gain valuable experience with this industry-standard software.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB  Fourth Edition PDF Book Detail

Author: Dean G. Duffy
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498739660
Size: 64.85 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 980
View: 5153

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Book Description Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, Fourth Edition builds upon three successful previous editions. It is written for today's STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) student. Three assumptions under lie its structure: (1) All students need a firm grasp of the traditional disciplines of ordinary and partial differential equations, vector calculus and linear algebra. (2) The modern student must have a strong foundation in transform methods because they provide the mathematical basis for electrical and communication studies. (3) The biological revolution requires an understanding of stochastic (random) processes. The chapter on Complex Variables, positioned as the first chapter in previous editions, is now moved to Chapter 10. The author employs MATLAB to reinforce concepts and solve problems that require heavy computation. Along with several updates and changes from the third edition, the text continues to evolve to meet the needs of today's instructors and students.

Mathematics Catalog 2005 PDF Book Detail

Author: Neil Thomson
ISBN: 9780534420420
Size: 18.30 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :
View: 5107

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Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics PDF Book Detail

Author: Constantine A. Balanis
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470589485
Size: 52.36 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1040
View: 2616

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Book Description Balanis' second edition of Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics – a global best-seller for over 20 years – covers the advanced knowledge engineers involved in electromagnetic need to know, particularly as the topic relates to the fast-moving, continually evolving, and rapidly expanding field of wireless communications. The immense interest in wireless communications and the expected increase in wireless communications systems projects (antenna, microwave and wireless communication) points to an increase in the number of engineers needed to specialize in this field. In addition, the Instructor Book Companion Site contains a rich collection of multimedia resources for use with this text. Resources include: Ready-made lecture notes in Power Point format for all the chapters. Forty-nine MATLAB® programs to compute, plot and animate some of the wave phenomena Nearly 600 end-of-chapter problems, that's an average of 40 problems per chapter (200 new problems; 50% more than in the first edition) A thoroughly updated Solutions Manual 2500 slides for Instructors are included.

Chemical Engineering Computation with MATLAB   PDF Book Detail

Author: Yeong Koo Yeo
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000284921
Size: 17.43 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 827
View: 1687

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Book Description Chemical Engineering Computation with MATLAB®, Second Edition continues to present basic to advanced levels of problem-solving techniques using MATLAB as the computation environment. The Second Edition provides even more examples and problems extracted from core chemical engineering subject areas and all code is updated to MATLAB version 2020. It also includes a new chapter on computational intelligence and: Offers exercises and extensive problem-solving instruction and solutions for various problems Features solutions developed using fundamental principles to construct mathematical models and an equation-oriented approach to generate numerical results Delivers a wealth of examples to demonstrate the implementation of various problem-solving approaches and methodologies for problem formulation, problem solving, analysis, and presentation, as well as visualization and documentation of results Includes an appendix offering an introduction to MATLAB for readers unfamiliar with the program, which will allow them to write their own MATLAB programs and follow the examples in the book Provides aid with advanced problems that are often encountered in graduate research and industrial operations, such as nonlinear regression, parameter estimation in differential systems, two-point boundary value problems and partial differential equations and optimization This essential textbook readies engineering students, researchers, and professionals to be proficient in the use of MATLAB to solve sophisticated real-world problems within the interdisciplinary field of chemical engineering. The text features a solutions manual, lecture slides, and MATLAB program files._

The British National Bibliography PDF Book Detail

Author: Arthur James Wells
Size: 52.52 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Category : Bibliography, National
Languages : en
Pages :
View: 5210

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Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures PDF Book Detail

Author: Ted Belytschko
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118632702
Size: 62.90 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 830
View: 2136

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Book Description This updated and expanded edition of the bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the methods and theory of nonlinear finite element analysis. New material provides a concise introduction to some of the cutting-edge methods that have evolved in recent years in the field of nonlinear finite element modeling, and includes the eXtended finite element method (XFEM), multiresolution continuum theory for multiscale microstructures, and dislocation-density-based crystalline plasticity. Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures, Second Edition focuses on the formulation and solution of discrete equations for various classes of problems that are of principal interest in applications to solid and structural mechanics. Topics covered include the discretization by finite elements of continua in one dimension and in multi-dimensions; the formulation of constitutive equations for nonlinear materials and large deformations; procedures for the solution of the discrete equations, including considerations of both numerical and multiscale physical instabilities; and the treatment of structural and contact-impact problems. Key features: Presents a detailed and rigorous treatment of nonlinear solid mechanics and how it can be implemented in finite element analysis Covers many of the material laws used in today's software and research Introduces advanced topics in nonlinear finite element modelling of continua Introduction of multiresolution continuum theory and XFEM Accompanied by a website hosting a solution manual and MATLAB® and FORTRAN code Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures, Second Edition is a must have textbook for graduate students in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, applied mathematics, engineering mechanics, and materials science, and is also an excellent source of information for researchers and practitioners in industry.

Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB PDF Book Detail

Author: Howard B. Wilson
Publisher: CRC Press
Size: 39.16 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 632
View: 7205

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Book Description The seond edition of this bestselling book uses MATLAB to analyze various applications in mathematics and mechanics. MATLAB is an interactive environment for technical computing, and includes a high level programming language and simple graphics commands facilitating 2D and 3D data presentation. All the programs from the book are contained on the disk, which is organized with directories corresponding to different chapters.

An Introduction to Optimization PDF Book Detail

Author: Edwin K. P. Chong
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471654000
Size: 40.90 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 496
View: 2748

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Book Description A modern, up-to-date introduction to optimization theory andmethods This authoritative book serves as an introductory text tooptimization at the senior undergraduate and beginning graduatelevels. With consistently accessible and elementary treatment ofall topics, An Introduction to Optimization, Second Edition helpsstudents build a solid working knowledge of the field, includingunconstrained optimization, linear programming, and constrainedoptimization. Supplemented with more than one hundred tables and illustrations,an extensive bibliography, and numerous worked examples toillustrate both theory and algorithms, this book alsoprovides: * A review of the required mathematical background material * A mathematical discussion at a level accessible to MBA andbusiness students * A treatment of both linear and nonlinear programming * An introduction to recent developments, including neuralnetworks, genetic algorithms, and interior-point methods * A chapter on the use of descent algorithms for the training offeedforward neural networks * Exercise problems after every chapter, many new to thisedition * MATLAB(r) exercises and examples * Accompanying Instructor's Solutions Manual available onrequest An Introduction to Optimization, Second Edition helps studentsprepare for the advanced topics and technological developments thatlie ahead. It is also a useful book for researchers andprofessionals in mathematics, electrical engineering, economics,statistics, and business. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all theproblems in the book is available from the Wiley editorialdepartment.

Chemical Engineering Computation with MATLAB PDF Book Detail

Author: Yeong-Koo Yeo
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781003090601
Size: 26.50 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 827
View: 7544

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Book Description Chemical Engineering Computation with MATLAB®, Second Edition continues to present basic to advanced levels of problem-solving techniques using MATLAB as the computation environment. The Second Edition provides even more examples and problems extracted from core chemical engineering subject areas and all code is updated to MATLAB version 2020. It also includes a new chapter on computational intelligence and: Offers exercises and extensive problem-solving instruction and solutions for various problems Features solutions developed using fundamental principles to construct mathematical models and an equation-oriented approach to generate numerical results Delivers a wealth of examples to demonstrate the implementation of various problem-solving approaches and methodologies for problem formulation, problem solving, analysis, and presentation, as well as visualization and documentation of results Includes an appendix offering an introduction to MATLAB for readers unfamiliar with the program, which will allow them to write their own MATLAB programs and follow the examples in the book Provides aid with advanced problems that are often encountered in graduate research and industrial operations, such as nonlinear regression, parameter estimation in differential systems, two-point boundary value problems and partial differential equations and optimization This essential textbook readies engineering students, researchers, and professionals to be proficient in the use of MATLAB to solve sophisticated real-world problems within the interdisciplinary field of chemical engineering. The text features a solutions manual, lecture slides, and MATLAB program files._

An Introduction to Optimization PDF Book Detail

Author: Edwin K. P. Chong
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 9780471391265
Size: 13.93 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 496
View: 4498

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Book Description A modern, up-to-date introduction to optimization theory and methods This authoritative book serves as an introductory text to optimization at the senior undergraduate and beginning graduate levels. With consistently accessible and elementary treatment of all topics, An Introduction to Optimization, Second Edition helps students build a solid working knowledge of the field, including unconstrained optimization, linear programming, and constrained optimization. Supplemented with more than one hundred tables and illustrations, an extensive bibliography, and numerous worked examples to illustrate both theory and algorithms, this book also provides: * A review of the required mathematical background material * A mathematical discussion at a level accessible to MBA and business students * A treatment of both linear and nonlinear programming * An introduction to recent developments, including neural networks, genetic algorithms, and interior-point methods * A chapter on the use of descent algorithms for the training of feedforward neural networks * Exercise problems after every chapter, many new to this edition * MATLAB(r) exercises and examples * Accompanying Instructor's Solutions Manual available on request An Introduction to Optimization, Second Edition helps students prepare for the advanced topics and technological developments that lie ahead. It is also a useful book for researchers and professionals in mathematics, electrical engineering, economics, statistics, and business. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.

Book Review Index PDF Book Detail

Size: 60.12 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Category : Books
Languages : en
Pages :
View: 7206

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Book Description Every 3rd issue is a quarterly cumulation.

System Simulation Techniques with MATLAB and Simulink PDF Book Detail

Author: Dingyü Xue
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118694376
Size: 20.30 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 488
View: 1170

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Book Description System Simulation Techniques with MATLAB and Simulinkcomprehensively explains how to use MATLAB and Simulink to performdynamic systems simulation tasks for engineering andnon-engineering applications. This book begins with covering the fundamentals of MATLABprogramming and applications, and the solutions to differentmathematical problems in simulation. The fundamentals of Simulinkmodelling and simulation are then presented, followed by coverageof intermediate level modelling skills and more advanced techniquesin Simulink modelling and applications. Finally the modelling and simulation of engineering andnon-engineering systems are presented. The areas covered includeelectrical, electronic systems, mechanical systems, pharmacokineticsystems, video and image processing systems and discrete eventsystems. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation and real-timeapplication are also discussed. Key features: Progressive building of simulation skills using Simulink, frombasics through to advanced levels, with illustrations andexamples Wide coverage of simulation topics of applications fromengineering to non-engineering systems Dedicated chapter on hardware-in-the-loop simulation and realtime control End of chapter exercises A companion website hosting a solution manual and powerpointslides System Simulation Techniques with MATLAB and Simulink isa suitable textbook for senior undergraduate/postgraduate coursescovering modelling and simulation, and is also an ideal referencefor researchers and practitioners in industry.

MATLAB Programming PDF Book Detail

Author: Dingyü Xue
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 3110666952
Size: 32.75 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 318
View: 1826

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Book Description This book presents fundamentals in MATLAB programming, including data and statement structures, control structures, function writing and bugging in MATLAB programming, followed by the presentations of algebraic computation, transcendental function evaluations and data processing. Advanced topics such as MATLAB interfacing, object-oriented programming and graphical user interface design are also addressed.

Partielle Differentialgleichungen PDF Book Detail

Author: Walter A. Strauss
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: 366312486X
Size: 42.56 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Category : Mathematics
Languages : de
Pages : 458
View: 1423

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Book Description Dieses Buch ist eine umfassende Einführung in die klassischen Lösungsmethoden partieller Differentialgleichungen. Es wendet sich an Leser mit Kenntnissen aus einem viersemestrigen Grundstudium der Mathematik (und Physik) und legt seinen Schwerpunkt auf die explizite Darstellung der Lösungen. Es ist deshalb besonders auch für Anwender (Physiker, Ingenieure) sowie für Nichtspezialisten, die die Methoden der mathematischen Physik kennenlernen wollen, interessant. Durch die große Anzahl von Beispielen und Übungsaufgaben eignet es sich gut zum Gebrauch neben Vorlesungen sowie zum Selbststudium.

Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics PDF Book Detail

Author: Glyn James
ISBN: 9781292174341
Size: 21.94 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
Category : Engineering mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 1016
View: 5289

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Book Description Building on the foundations laid in the companion text Modern Engineering Mathematics, this book gives an extensive treatment of some of the advanced areas of mathematics that have applications in various fields of engineering, particularly as tools for computer-based system modelling, analysis and design. The philosophy of learning by doing helps students develop the ability to use mathematics with understanding to solve engineering problems. A wealth of engineering examples and the integration of MATLAB, MAPLE and R further support students.


Author: Ghosh, Pallab
Publisher: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN: 9387472523
Size: 29.43 MB
Format: PDF
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 416
View: 671

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Book Description Numerical, analytical and statistical computations are routine affairs for chemical engineers. They usually prefer a single software to solve their computational problems, and at present, MATLAB has emerged as a powerful computational language, which is preferably used for this purpose, due to its built-in functions and toolboxes. Considering the needs and convenience of the students, the author has made an attempt to write this book, which explains the various concepts of MATLAB in a systematic way and makes its readers proficient in using MATLAB for computing. It mainly focuses on the applications of MATLAB, rather than its use in programming basic numerical algorithms. Commencing with the introduction to MATLAB, the text covers vector and matrix computations, solution of linear and non-linear equations, differentiation and integration, and solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Next, analytical computations using the Symbolic Math Toolbox and statistical computations using the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox are explained. Finally, the book describes various curve fitting techniques using the Curve Fitting Toolbox. Inclusion of all these advanced-level topics in the book stands it out from the rest. KEY FEATURES  Numerous worked-out examples to enable the readers understand the steps involved in solving the chemical engineering problems  MATLAB codes to explain the computational techniques  Several snapshots to help the readers understand the step-by-step procedures of using the toolboxes  Chapter-end exercises, including short-answer questions and numerical problems  Appendix comprising the definitions of some important and special matrices  Supplemented with Solutions Manual containing complete detailed solutions to the unsolved analytical problems  Accessibility of selected colour figures (including screenshots and results/outputs of the programs) cited in the text at TARGET AUDIENCE • BE/B.Tech (Chemical Engineering) • ME/M.Tech (Chemical Engineering)

Applied Partial Differential Equations  An Introduction PDF Book Detail

Author: Alan Jeffrey
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 9780123822529
Size: 47.21 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 394
View: 2825

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Book Description This book is written to meet the needs of undergraduates in applied mathematics, physics and engineering studying partial differential equations. It is a more modern, comprehensive treatment intended for students who need more than the purely numerical solutions provided by programs like the MATLAB PDE Toolbox, and those obtained by the method of separation of variables, which is usually the only theoretical approach found in the majority of elementary textbooks. This will fill a need in the market for a more modern text for future working engineers, and one that students can read and understand much more easily than those currently on the market. * Includes new and important materials necessary to meet current demands made by diverse applications * Very detailed solutions to odd numbered problems to help students * Instructor's Manual Available

The Cumulative Book Index PDF Book Detail

Size: 40.36 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Category : American literature
Languages : en
Pages :
View: 2116

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