Engaging Mathematics Algebra Ii Teks-based Activities Answers
PreAP/CC Algebra 2 Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Jana Tiller
Office Hours: Help is available from 7:20 to 8:00 a.m. Tuesday through Friday mornings in my classroom. If you have trouble, please see me before or after school for assistance. I am here to help you, don't be afraid to ask for help!
This course covers quadratic equations, graphs, functions, systems of equations, matrices and determinants, theory of equations, ratios and proportions, and variations.
Prerequisites: High school Algebra, High School Geometry, and assignment by appropriate test.
Introduction and Purpose: This course is meant both as a terminal math course and to prepare students for more advanced topics in mathematics.
Instructional Materials:
Textbook: College Algebra, Blitzer, 7th ed.
Supplies: Pencils, paper, 3-ring binder, and graphing calculator. You will be instructed on how to organize your notebook in class. It will contain handouts, notes, and returned quizzes and tests. You will be permitted to use a calculator in class, on homework, quizzes, and tests.
Objectives: At the completion of this course the student should be able to: 1) solve quadratic equations by completing the square, square root method, factoring, and by the quadratic formula; 2) solve quadratic-type equations (rational exponents and/or higher degree exponents) and stated problems; 3) solve absolute value inequalities; 4) find the equation of a line given sufficient data.; 5) construct the graph of any quadratic function; 6) solve quadratic inequalities; 7) solve rational equations; 8) find the inverse of a function and determine if it is a function, add, subtract, multiply, divide, and find the composition of functions; 9) solve stated problems involving direct, joint, and inverse variation; 10) solve and graph logarithmic and exponential equations; 11) use synthetic division to evaluate a polynomial and solve and graph a polynomial; 12) graph polynomial equations in factored form with multiple roots; 13) determine horizontal and vertical asymptotes and critical numbers and draw the graph of a rational function; 14) resolve rational functions into partial fractions; 15) solve systems of equations by addition/subtraction or by substitution; 16) solve systems of equations by determinants; 17) solve systems of equations and of inequalities by graphing; 18) solve systems of equations by matrices; and 19) solve problems involving matrix algebra.
The students' success in completing these objectives will be measured using a set of examinations and assignments described, in detail under the section of this syllabus headed "Method of Evaluation".
Methods of Instruction: This course will be taught using the traditional lecture format with a question and answer period daily. Audio-visual materials, hands-on activities, and computer based technology will be used when appropriate. Students will learn how to use the graphing calculator for use in this course.
Methods of Evaluation:
Grades will be based on the following percentages:
Tests, Projects, and Notebook (50%)
Quizzes (15%)
Homework (10%)
Six Weeks Test (25%)
You should expect about 30 minutes of homework every night. I will check homework for completeness at the beginning of each class period. You will get a grade at the end of each six weeks based on the percentage of completed assignments. Late assignments will be not accepted. To get full credit for an assignment it is essential to show any and all work to justify your answer. During each chapter you should expect at least one to two quizzes. You will have a test at the end of each chapter that will cover the material in the current chapter, as well as important material from previous chapters. You are expected to show all work on quizzes and tests, as in the homework, to justify your answers. If you are absent the day prior to taking a test, you will be expected to take the test with the rest of the class.
Letter grades for the course will be based on the following percentages:
90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
Below 60% F
Attendance and Behavior: You are expected to attend each day and be on time. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check your assignment sheet and have all assignments completed upon your return to class based on the policies set forth in the Grandview High School Student Code of Conduct. Excessive absences may result in a loss of credit for the course. Inappropriate behavior, tardiness, and unexcused absences will be dealt with as stated in school policy. During class, you are expected to participate in the class activities and not work on assignments for other classes. It is acceptable to use your own technology when it is appropriate in the classroom. You may not use these devices during lecture, quizzes, or tests. You will be instructed on appropriate use, but students who are consistently misusing the technology will be banned from using it in the classroom. I expect my students to be on-task and courteous with its use and utilize it only for its intended purpose.
Course Outline:
A. Linear Equations
B. Word Problems with Linear Equations: Math Topics
C. Word Problems with Linear Equations: Applications
D. Quadratic Equations: Some Solution Techniques
E. Quadratic Equations and the Quadratic Formula
F. Quadratic Equations: Special Topics
G. Word Problems with Quadratics: Math Topics
H. Word Problems with Quadratics: Applications
I. Radical Equations
J. Variation
K. Solving Inequalities
L. Inequalities: Quadratics
M. Inequalities: Rationals and Radicals
N. Absolute Values
A. Graphing Basics
B. Relationships between Two Points
C. Relationships among Three Points
D. Circles
E. Graphing Equations
F. Function Basics
G. Working with Functions
H. Function Domain and Range
I. Linear Functions: Slope
J. Equations of a Line
K. Linear Functions: Applications
L. Graphing Functions
M. The Greatest Integer Function
N. Composite Functions
O. Quadratic Functions: Basics
P. Quadratic Functions: The Vertex
Q. Manipulating Graphs: Shifts and Stretches
R. Manipulating Graphs: Symmetry and Reflections
A. Polynomials: Long Division
B. Polynomials: Synthetic Division
C. The Remainder Theorem
D. The Factor Theorem
E. The Rational Root Theorem
F. Zeros of Polynomials
G. Graphing Polynomials
H. Rational Functions
I. Graphing Rational Functions
A. Function Inverses
B. Finding Function Inverses
C. Exponential Functions
D. Applying Exponential Functions
E. The number e
F. Logarithmic Functions
G. Solving Logarithmic Functions
H. Properties of Logarithms
I. Evaluating Logarithmic Functions
J. Applying Logarithmic Functions
K. Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
L. Applying Exponents and Logarithms
M. Word Problems Involving Exponential Growth and Decay
A. Linear Systems of Equations
B. Linear Systems in Three Variables
C. Applying Linear Systems
D. Nonlinear Systems of Equations
E. Matrices
F. Evaluating Determinants
G. Cramer's Rule & Gauss-Jordan Method
A. Ellipses
B. Hyperbolas
C. Conic Sections
A. Arithmetic Sequences
B. Arithmetic Series
C. Geometric Sequences
D. Geometric Series
Infinite Geometric Series
A. The Counting Principle
B. Permutations and Combinations
C. Probability
D. Multiplying Probabilities
E. Adding Probabilities
F. Statistical Measures
Students with qualified and documented permanent or temporary disabilities may request accommodations which will enable them to participate in and benefit from educational programs and activities. Students should contact the Academic Advising and Success Center for more details at: 254.659.7650 for Hillsboro, 817.760.5650 for Cleburne, or 817.295.7392 for Burleson.
Reports of discrimination based on disability may be directed to the ADA/Section 504 and Title IX Coordinator:
Name: Ms. Lizza Trenkle
Position: Vice President of Student Services
Address: 112 Lamar Drive, Hillsboro, TX 76645
Telephone: (254) 659-7601
Engaging Mathematics Algebra Ii Teks-based Activities Answers
Source: https://www.gvisd.org/Page/464
Posted by: gaertnerlailled.blogspot.com
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